Wall Art | French Bulldog King Book Print | Framed | Black


Our Art Prints making the world a little more fabulous one picture at a time.

Original hand printed artwork featuring the imaginative illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan. 

Our book prints started out as original illustrations, each one unique and printed onto the original pages of antique British dictionaries and journals from the 1800’s. Pages have aged over time to a mellow ivory patina, some have irregularities and “foxing” age marks, others include authentic corporation seals in the corner which of course adds to their charm and vintage authenticity.

Framed and mounted in 16x20inch Black wood frame

A 14x11inch (35.5×28 cm) giclée print. Printed onto heavyweight textured fine art paper, mounted into a bevelled mat with a backing board. These are then carefully framed into a 16×20 inch (40.5x51cm) black wood frame ready to hang with all fixings on the reverse.

  • Framed size: 14x11inch (35.5×28 cm)
  • Frame colour: Black

    Displaying a few of our prints together looks great as a set and there's a whole cabinet of curiosities for you to choose from.  Explore the rest of our wall art range.

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